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The Erisean’s Newsletter – 3rd Edition

Welcome to our 3rd edition of this newsletter on the latest news in Fintech , GDPR , Telecom, AI, and Cybersecurity curated by the team at…

The Erisean’s Newsletter- 2nd Edition

Welcome to our 1st edition of this newsletter on the latest news in Fintech , GDPR , AI, and Cybersecurity curated by the team at…

DORA Compliance for Microenterprises: Key Articles and Exemptions

Micro and small enterprises are targeted by cybercriminals as much as their larger counterparts, yet many remain unprepared due to a lack of resources, budgets,…

The Erisean’s Newsletter

Welcome to our 1st edition of this newsletter on the latest news in Fintech, GDPR, AI, and Cybersecurity curated by the team at Eris Law…

AI in Action: Elevating Cyber Resilience for a Safer Digital Future

Cyber-attacks are growing in number, frequency and sophistication that often cannot be addressed by traditional security measures. According to an IBM study, 68% of responders…

Swedish SMEs and the EU AI Act: Balancing Growth and Overcoming Challenges

Sweden's AI landscape is changing, with the EU AI Act becoming effective on August 1, 2024, and set to be fully implemented by summer 2026.…

There is No Such Thing as a Free Digital Lunch: Cookies in the Digital Economy and the Risks They Pose to Your Privacy

In today's digital economy cookies have become a ubiquitous tool, playing a crucial role in how websites interact with users and how data is collected…

The European Health Data Space: Revolutionizing Data Sharing and Use

I. Introduction   The European Strategy for Data, adopted on February 19, 2020, aims to create a single market for data while ensuring high data protection,…

The EU Regulatory Framework Addressing Greenwashing in the Financial Sector

A phenomenon, known as greenwashing, is becoming increasingly prevalent in the EU financial sector. Greenwashing is a practice whereby sustainability related statements, declarations, actions, or…

What you need to know before anonymizing personal data

Artificial intelligence ('AI') has undeniably become an integral part of our lives. We use face recognition to unlock our smartphones, AI-powered virtual assistants to manage…

Sweden and the EU’s Digital Services Act: The Proposal on Supplementary Provisions and their Sanctions

The "Supplementary Provisions to the EU's Regulation on Digital Services," translated as "Supplementary Provisions to the EU's Regulation on Digital Services" (hereafter the "Provisions"), is…

Demystifying Compliance with DORA

Why was DORA adopted?   In recent years, we have witnessed significant advancements in technology and rapid increase in the use of information communication technologies (“…

Eris är osämjans och tvistens gudinna i den grekiska mytologin samt även namnet på en planet som upptäcktes 2005. Planeten Eris kickade ut Pluto från listan över planeter och metaforiskt för vår advokatbyrå är att Eris är den planet, den nya spelare, som kliver in, och fram, för att ta mark.